Navigating the Sacred and Mundane
book developer/boatwoman
Show Me the Way: A Memoir in Stories by Jennifer Lauck
The Balanced Mom: Raising Your Kids Without Losing Your Self by Bria Simpson
Buddha Mom by Jacqueline Kramer
Buddhism for Mothers: A Calm Approach to Caring for Yourself and Your Children by Sarah Napthali
Joyful Birth: A Spiritual Path to Motherhood by Susan Piver Mojo
Mom: Nurturing Your Self While Raising a Family by Amy Tiemann
Mommy Mantras: Affirmations and Insights to Keep You From Losing Your Mind by Bethany E. Casarjian
Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood by Karen Maezen Miller
A Mother's Circle: An Intimate Dialogue on Becoming a Mother by Jean Kunhardt, Lisa Spiegel, Sandra Kunhardt Basile, Sandra K. Basile
Spirituality In The Mother Zone: Staying Centered, Finding God by Trudelle Thomas The Tao of Motherhood by Sue Patton Thoele & Vimala McClure
The Tao of Poop: Keeping Your Sanity (and Your Soul) While Raising a Baby by Vivian E. Glyck
Twice Alive: A Spiritual Guide to Mothering Through Pregnancy and the Child's First Year by Beth Osnes
For all our of years of darkness, and our years of unknowing. Sing back the light. Sing back the light. Sing light. Sing.
posted by riversgrace | 10:02 PM PERMALINK | 1 comments